Self-Care for Beating the Sunday Scaries

Let’s face it we all those weeks where Sunday rolls around and the anxiety of a new week sets in. I recently had a Sunday like this and here the steps I took to calm down and prepare for the long week ahead. 

  1.  Power down the electronics early. 
    • I try my best to stop looking at my phone around an hour before bed. Doing this helps clear my mind and relax. The light from your phone can stimulate you and cause even more anxiety, so I try to give myself plenty of time to come down from that. 
  2.  Take time during the day to prepare for the week, like prepping your meals. 
    • I find that my weeks go so much more smoothly when I have my meals prepped for the week. I try my best to cover breakfast and lunch and then plan what I am going to make for dinner at night. When my food is set for the week I stress less about what I am going to eat and, I don’t have to feel guilty about making poor eating decisions.
  3.  Straighten up before bed. 
    • I know it’s hard when it’s getting late, and all you want to do is get in bed to straighten up the little messes from the day, but in reality, it only takes a few extra minutes. I don’t know about you but, when I wake up in the morning or come home to a clutter-free house, my mood is so much better.
  4. Put extra care in your nighttime routine. 
    • Adding a few steps to my nighttime routine than I would take on a normal night really helps me settle my Sunday scaries. I’ll do a mask, paint my nails, or use one of my higher-end eye creams. It feels good to pamper yourself as you get ready to take on another week.
  5.  Drink tea. 
    • I love going to bed with peppermint tea. The warm cup and smell of the mint are so relaxing!
  6.  Read a book or read motivational quotes. 
    • Reading is another great way to wind down at night. One thing that gets me ready for the week and helps me stay positive when the Sunday scaries kick is finding a motivational quote. If you follow me on social media, you know I share a motivational Monday post each week. I use that quote throughout the week when things get stressful. 
  7. Set you intentions for the week. 
    • If you’ve been following this blog for a while now, you know I LOVE lists and goal setting. Picking a few things I want to accomplish throughout the week gives me something to focus on. Doing this is really motivating. 

Those are my tips for fighting the Sunday scaries. Leave a comment with your tips below! 

Thanks for reading! 
XO – Samantha Leigh 


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